There are multiple ways to stream audio into your streaming devices:
- Universal casting apps such as Airplay/2 and Google cast
- Built in singular service apps
- Apps that are for both mobile and home network use, using UPnP on board
- Apps that are designed for mobile use, they need a UPnP app to find UPnP devices on the network
Universal streaming of all your apps on your phone
Airplay/Airplay 2 all Hegel Models
Google Cast H400 & H600
Hegel built in streaming apps via home network
Spotify Connect all Hegel Models
Tidal Connect H400 & 600
Qobuz Connect when released, H400 & H600
Mobile apps with direct UPnP network connection to devices
Apple Music all Hegel Models
Mobile apps needing UPnP 3rd party app (BubbleUPnP for Android, Mconnect for iPhone)
Tidal Google Cast also works on H400 & H600
Qobuz Google Cast also works on H400 & H600
Amazon Google Cast also works on H400 & H600
SiriusXM Google Cast also works on H400 & H600