Luke Sital-Singh - New Haze (EP)

Posted by Neil Gelowitz on 9/13/2020 to Music
Luke Sital-Singh - New Haze (EP)
Luke Sital-Singh has become a recent favourite and his New Haze (EP) is a great introduction if you're not familiar. Formerly from the U.K., Luke has recently moved to L.A. and this EP comprises a different collaboration for each of its four tracks. All tracks are superb, but in particular the song "Skin of a Fool", a collaboration with John Smith is just incredible. Listening to this Americana/folk singer-songwriter shows the heights music can reach via a great artist with minimal instrumentation and production. His voice just grabs you and is haunting in a well balanced system. If you like this, his 2019 album "A Golden State" is highly recommended as well. Also watch his AudioTree Live performance on YouTube.

Find this EP on Tidal here:
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