“With the addition of the Innuos ZENmini Mk 3 and LPSU, my complacency is gone, and I’m excited about my digital sound again. Their sound is warm and spacious with increased definition. By the time you read this review, I will have retired my old computer system and joined the ranks of happy Innuos owners.”
“Circling back to the matching external linear power supply, you’ll note that it appears in most of the pictures featured here. That’s because once added, I dreaded going back to the standard switch-mode solution. Not because the Zen Mini MK3 sounds poor in stock form, but rather because the device takes a significant leap upwards with the LPSU in play.”
“I can answer the question of whether the optional, higher quality Innuos ZENmini LPSU power supply, which is subject to a surcharge, really does something good, can be answered with a "yes". The tonal gains are above all in an even better room illumination and a more accurate, even careful handling of very quiet signals (decay of instruments, room discards, background noise on live recordings etc.). That's the next step on the audiophile ladder.”
“Adding the Innuos Linear Power Supply Unit (LPSU) took the sound to a whole new level.”