1.0M USB Type A to Type B
USB 2.0 Single Cable
Termination and Length
TypeA, TypeB, 1.00m (Additional lengths in 0.5m steps)
Cable Type
x2 Data, x2 Power, x1 GND Ground
High Purity Copper
Silver, Tin
FEP, Special PVC
Main Braid + Inner Special Wrap
Redline Propriety
4.8mm dia.
Customer review – Wayne S. (on the former Pulse-B which the Redline replaced)
"I hooked up the new cable last night and gave it a 2 hour listen. I noticed right away that it gave more weight to the music and took away the edge that digital can have. I found myself wanting to turn up the volume instead turning it down. The highs weren't running together and the definition in the bass notes were much more defined along with the sound stage having more depth. Next day: This USB cable was good right out of the box but now that it has been run in for about 10 hours, it is outstanding. I really noticed a difference at about the 6 hour mark. Totally transformed my digital front end."